Parerea ta conteaza, scrie-ne !
We will never forget 911, our tribute
We will never forget 911, our tribute
On September 11, 2001, acts of terrorism took the lives of thousands at the World Trade Center in New York City, in a grassy field in Shankesville Pennsylvania and to Pentagon in Washington DC.
We will forever remember our loved ones, friends and colleagues.
Nu vom uita niciodată 911, tributul nostru
La data de 11 septembrie 2001, actele de terorism au luat mii de vieti la World Trade Center in New York City, intr-un camp cu iarba din Shankesville Pennsylvania si la Pentagon in Washington DC.
Ne vom aminti pentru totdeauna de cei dragi, prietenii si colegii nostri.
[FMP] [/FMP]
© Matei DONEA – 8 Iulie 2011